In the middle of April 1999 a lovely girl made it to Denmark:
- Ikimba Puuma – photogallery
She was bred by Marianne Gellin in Finland and born on February 17th 1999, and owned, trained and showed by Sophie Lauridsen
A few facts:
- Puuma was a large bitch 68 cms and 39 kgs
- FCI hipscore A, elbows 0
- Temperament test passed with wagging tail
Puuma was the mother of 28 beautiful ridged puppies most of whom are still spreading happiness in their families. All three litters were sired by Puumas mate Yankee despite our attempts to use different sires, however, despite successfull matings with other males and Artificial Insemination Puuma only wanted to carry Yankees pups and succeeded to do so .
Due to a rapidly growing osteosarcoma Puuma passed away in our kitchen just before christmas 2008 surrounded by her friends: lifetime mate Yankee, daughter Sammy, surrogate daughter Funny and little Eliza
Puuma was the happiest Ridgeback in the world, her tail hardly ever stopped wagging, she loved all people in the house and on several occassions got “water-tail” (sprained tail) from wagging too much.
Food was very important to her, and she would do anything for food. She would eat anything, including the sheeps food but also dry pasta, beans and whatever else the cupboard yilded. On one memorable occassion I found her asleep on the bed with 2 kgs of dry rice as a pillow after totally emptying everything else.
Show results
Puppy Class:
- Aarhus July 31st 1999, judge Sam Wallace, Zim – RR speciality: SL (very promising)
- St. Merloese 16 Oct. 1999, judge Kirsten Henriksen, DK – SL & Best puppy (out of 8)
- Herning ,Nov.6th 1999, Judge Andrew Brace, UK – SL
Junior Class:
- Fredericia, Feb 20th 2000, judge Erna Britt Nordin, S – 1pr. (Excellent ) best junior bitch #3
- Stouby, March 25th 2000, judge Birthe Mller Hansen, DK – ) best junior bitch #3
- St. Merloese, May 19th, 2000, judge Lizzie Bauder, DK – ) best junior bitch #2
- Aars, May 30th, 2000, judge Jochen Eberhardt, Ger – ), CK (Champion Quality) best bitch #1, Certificate, BOS : this is what the judge wrote: beautiful young bitch with the desired combination of power and calls, beautiful head with excellent details, well constructed front and hind quarters, well developed body, moves with power and ease.
- Vingsted June 4th, 2000, judge Kresten Scheel, DK – ), CK (Champion Quality) best bitch #2
- Toelloese July 1st, 2000, judge Pauline Sadler, Austr, ), CK (Champion Quality) best junior bitch #2
Intermediate Class
- Vissenbjerg Aug. 12th, 2000, judge Stefan Sinko, Slovenia: ), CK (Champion Quality) best Intermediate bitch #1
- Broendby, sept. 17th 2000, judge Tore Fossum, N: )
- Herning, Nov.11th 2000, judge Ole Staunskjr, DK: ), CK (Champion Quality) best bitch #3
Open Class
- Albertslund, Dec.2nd, 2000, judge Poul Oernemark, DK: )
- Aarhus, April 7th, 2001, judge Leif Lehmann, DK: ), CK (Champion Quality) best bitch #1, Certificate, BOS: 2 years old medium sized hound, feminine bitch, well cut head, excellent skull, dark eyes, correct bite, strong neck, prima topline, well set moderately long tail, good depth of body and volume, good layback of shoulder, good angulations, bone and feet, moves parallel behind, acceptable in front, prima coat, colour, temperament, ridge and crowns.
Herlufmagle, May 27th 2001, Judge Andrew Beare, Irl:
- Vingsted centret May 13th 2001, judge: Alice Christensen, DK: 1pr.
- Kvaerndrup Aug 11th 2001, judge Hans Muller, CH: 1pr.
- St.Merloese Oct. 14th 2001, Judge Brigitte Thieleman,DK: 1pr.
- Aarhus 1.12.2001, judge Birte Moeller Hansen, DK,,Best open bitch, CK, BIK3
- Stouby 17.03.2002, judge Helga Jürgens,D:,Best open bitch, CK, BIK3
- Aarhus 10.08.2002, judge Richard Van Aken, RSA,
- St.Merloese 20.10.2002, judge Ing-Marie Hagelin (S)
- Glostrup 1.12.2002, judge Mogens Sloth Hansen, DK, 3v
- Aarhus 22.03.2003, Judge Janet Parker, UK, CK